Source code for odoo_rpc_client.orm.object

import six
from extend_me import ExtensibleByHashType
from pkg_resources import parse_version

from ..utils import (AttrDict,

__all__ = ('Object', 'get_object')

ObjectType = ExtensibleByHashType._('Object', hashattr='name')

[docs]def get_object(client, name): """ Create new Object instance. :param client: Client instance to bind this object to :type client: Client :param name: name of object. Ex. 'sale.order' :type name: str :return: Created Object instance :rtype: Object """ cls = ObjectType.get_class(name, default=True) return cls(client, name)
# TODO: implement clean caches new columns may be defined, when new addon was # installed
[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Object(six.with_metaclass(ObjectType, DirMixIn)): """ Base class for all Objects Provides simple interface to remote osv.osv objects:: erp = Client(...) sale_obj = Object(erp, 'sale.order')[('state','not in',['done','cancel'])]) To create new instance - use *get_object* function, it implements all extensions magic, whic is highly used in this project It is posible to create extension only to specific object. Example could be found in ``plugins/`` file. """ __slots__ = ('_service', '_obj_name', '_columns_info') def __init__(self, service, object_name): self._service = service self._obj_name = object_name self._columns_info = None @property def name(self): """ Name of the object :rtype: str """ return self._obj_name @property def service(self): """ Object service instance """ return self._service @property def client(self): """ Client instance, this object is relatedto :rtype: odoo_rpc_client.client.Client """ return self.service.client def __getattr__(self, name): def method_wrapper(object_name, method_name): """ Wraper around Odoo objects's methods. for internal use. It is used in Object class. """ @stdcall def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return self.service.execute(object_name, method_name, *args, **kwargs) name = str('%s:%s' % (object_name, method_name)) wrapper.__name__ = name return wrapper # Private methods are not available to be called via RPC if name.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError("Private methods are not exposed to RPC. " "(attr: %s)" % name) setattr(self, name, method_wrapper(, name)) return getattr(self, name) def __str__(self): return u"Object ('%s')" % def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __eq__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Object), \ "Comparable only with instances of Object class" return == and self.client == other.client def _get_columns_info(self): """ Calculates columns info """ return AttrDict(self.fields_get()) @property def columns_info(self): """ Reads information about fields available on model. Internaly this method uses *fields_get* method. :return: dictionary with information about fields available on this model. :rtype: odoo_rpc_client.utils.AttrDict """ if self._columns_info is None: self._columns_info = self._get_columns_info() return self._columns_info
[docs] def resolve_field_path(self, field): """ Resolves dot-separated field path to list of tuples (model, field_name, related_model) :param str field: dot-separated field path to resolve For example:: sale_obj = client['sale.order'] sale_obj.resolve_field_path('') will be resoved to:: [('sale.order', 'partner_id', 'res.partner'), ('res.partner', 'country_id', ''), ('', 'name', False)] """ field_path = field.split('.') res = [] model = cinfo = self.client[model].columns_info f = field_path.pop(0) res.append((model, f, cinfo[f].get('relation', False))) while field_path: model = cinfo[f]['relation'] cinfo = self.client[model].columns_info f = field_path.pop(0) res.append((model, f, cinfo[f].get('relation', False))) return res
@property def stdcall_methods(self): """ Property that returns all methods of this object, that supports standard call :return: list with names of *stdcall* methods :rtype: list(str) """ return [n for n in dir(self) if not n.startswith('_') and n != 'stdcall_methods' and getattr(getattr(self, n, None), '__x_stdcall__', False)]
[docs] @stdcall def read(self, ids, fields=None, context=None): """ Read *fields* for records with id in *ids* Also look at `Odoo documentation <>`__ for this method :param int|list ids: ID or list of IDs of records to read data for :param list fields: list of field names to read. if not passed all fields will be read. :param dict context: dictionary with extra context :return: list of dictionaries with data had been read :rtype: list """ args, kwargs = preprocess_args(ids, fields, context=context) res = self.service.execute(, 'read', *args, **kwargs) # Odoo 10 compatability fix. # In Odoo 10, ``<id>)`` will return list, NOT dict as in # previous Odoo versions. So fix it to make api compatible with older # versions if res and isinstance(ids, int) and isinstance(res, list): res = res[0] return res
[docs] @stdcall def write(self, ids, vals, context=None): """ Write data in *vals* dictionary to records with ID in *ids* For more info, look at `odoo documentation <>`__ for this method :param int|list ids: ID or list of IDs of records to write data for :param dict vals: dictinary with values to be written to database for records specified by ids :param dict context: context dictionary """ # noqa args, kwargs = preprocess_args(ids, vals, context=context) return self.service.execute(, 'write', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create(self, vals, context=None): """ Create new record with *vals* Also look at `Odoo documentation <>`__ for this method :param dict vals: dictionary with values to be written to newly created record :param dict context: context dictionary :return: ID of newly created record :rtype: int """ # noqa args, kwargs = preprocess_args(vals, context=context) return self.service.execute(, 'create', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def search(self, *args, **kwargs): """search(args[, offset=0][, limit=None][, order=None][, count=False][, context=None]) Search records by criteria. Also look at `Odoo documentation <>`__ for this method """ # noqa _, kwargs = preprocess_args(**kwargs) # preprocess kwargs return self.service.execute(, 'search', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def search_read(self, domain=None, fields=None, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, context=None): """ Search and read records specified by domain Note that this method reads data in correct order Also look at `Odoo documentation <>`__ :return: list of dictionaries with data had been read :rtype: list """ # noqa if self.client.server_version >= parse_version('8.0'): args, kwargs = preprocess_args(domain=domain, fields=fields, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, context=context) return self.service.execute(, 'search_read', **kwargs) else: ids =, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, context=context) read =, fields=fields, context=context) # reorder read index = dict((r['id'], r) for r in read) return [index[x] for x in ids if x in index]
[docs] def search_count(self, domain=None, context=None): """ Returns the number of records matching the provided domain. :return: number of recods :rtype: int """ if domain is None: domain = [] if self.client.server_version >= parse_version('8.0'): return self.service.execute(, 'search_count', domain, context=context) else: return, count=True, context=context)